PMC MDCAT Result 2025 by Name and Roll Number
This page contains the MDCAT Test Result 2025, which may be searched instantly online. The MDCAT written exam is scheduled for Sunday, November 13, 2025. Every year, the University of Health Science conducts the MDCAT Test for the Punjab Province and releases the results of the medical examination. On this page, you can check the PMC results online using your CNIC or Roll No. Answer key for the Pakistan Medical Commission PMC MDCAT Test 2025 Check online for MBBS and BDS programmes through this page.
MDCAT Test Result 2025
Every year, following the FSc Pre Medical yearly exams, the PMC conducts a medical test. Every year, more than 200,000 students take the 200 multiple-choice questions in this Medical Entry Test. The test will be administered this year on Sunday, November 13, 2025, and the answer key will be posted on this page.
Before the official result announcement, participants can check their results using the MDCAT answer key. For the sake of the candidates who will be appearing, we will release the MDCAT Exam Answer Key on this page.
UHS MDCAT Test Result 2025
Results for MDCAT 2025 have been made public on PMC's website. The Roll Number and CNIC Number can be used by the candidates to check their results. On November 13, 2025, a nationwide PMC MDCAT was held in Pakistan. The MDCAT results should be printed out by the students. PMC will begin offering admissions to public medical institutions as well as private medical and dentistry schools following the release of the PMC MDCAT result in 2025.
PMC MDCAT Test Result 2025
Admission to any public or private medical or dental institute in Pakistan requires passing the MDCAT Entry Test. Every university that administers the test has released the MDCAT results. Bolan University of Health Sciences (BUMHS) Quetta has updated their websites to Check MDCAT Result Session 2025-23. Initially, UHS Lahore announced the MDCAT 2025 result. This article gives detailed information on the MDCAT results, the issues that students are experiencing, and solutions to those issues.
DUHS MDCAT Test Result 2025
Medical Entry Test 2025 will be held on Sunday for candidates from all over Punjab who completed FSc Pre Medical. PMC administers such entrance exams through provincial universities throughout Pakistan. The information about the provincial universities is provided below.
If you have any problems checking the PMC MDCAT result of any institute, college, or university, simply leave your question in the comments section below. Our team would be delighted to assist you.